Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Do Crash Diets Work?

Do crash diets work?

It's a question often asked by people thinking about dieting, and there's a short and a long answer...

The short answer is 'yes'.

The long answer is 'yes, but you need to know why!'

The name gives it away - the crash diet.

The crash diet principle works on the basis that you basically starve yourself.
The programmes last for maybe 7-10 days, and promise big weight loss.

You will indeed lose a lot of weight, but it's the reason for this which is the concern.

Whereas most crash diets say they work due to some food mixing or increased calorie burning nonsense, the fact is that they work by not giving your body enough daily calories to survive, prompting your body to dig into stored fat reserves.

Combine this with water loss which is always the first to come off, and there's your weight loss.

The trouble is that as soon as you stop the diet, which you'll have to or else you'll end up hospital quickly, the water goes right back on, as does any weight loss you had, because your eating habits haven't changed one bit.

Even worsem you have now trained your body to think another famine may be in the way, so it will actually store *more* fat than it did before!

So, yes, crash diets work, but you only go on one if you're too stupid to know any better!

Steer clear.

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