Wednesday, 12 September 2007

South Beach Diet - Rubbish

The South Beach Diet claims to be not just another fad diet, and not just another low carb diet.

All well and good, but then it goes on to show that it is exactly another fad, low carb diet.

The 1st phase is based on cutting out almost all carbs.
There is no huge increase in saturated fat, which is a huge drawback from the Atkins, but nevertheless, your weight loss in this first phase comes from not much more than low calorie intake.

That initial loss will just go back on, because it isn't a plan that is sustainable.

Also, there are some glaring contradictions in the book, not ideal if you are trying to stick rigidly to it!
In the first phase it's recommended not to eat bananas and yet one of the deserts is banana dipped in chocolate sauce.

The book says that whole foods are better, and then says that mashe potoato is better than a whole potato baked.

Here's something you might want to see in a diet - don't worry about portion sizes.
Great news, except the South Beach then goes on to suggest you do worry about portion size.

I'm not impressed.
The plan claims to have been scientifically tested, but doesn't reference any test for you to go and check.

You'll lose weight at first on this one, and it isn't as out and out dangerous as some others, but it won't teach you anything you don't already know, and is never as good as a plan which gives you a permanent food choice change.

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